FRLC Board Minutes March 2, 2016

Check In & Prayer Mary, Bohdan & Melanie. Mary prayed. Ed arrived mid-stream.

Minutes from February Meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s report: We received the report by email. We noted the Schwann’s income and discussed how the program works. They are likely to encourage us to do a new program with them with this one concludes. We give thanks for a significant gift from a Synod.

            Coordinator’s report: We are starting to move on the Lutheran Recovery Network for laity. It looks like we will go with that name. He is working on setting up a meeting of local pastors in recovery to form a steering committee, including some from some of the larger churches. On Monday, April 4 they will kick off an ongoing Monday Noon “Conscious Contact” meeting at his church. They need to report on the grant money received from their Synod. A retired professional videographer is working with them on developing a promotional video for their Synod Assembly—it will be both a report and a PR piece for all who attend the Assembly. They are also working on a rudimentary website to put out to the Twin Cities churches.

In addition to the gifts noted earlier, our coordinator was given a $100 gift for the FRLC in honor of his 30th anniversary of sobriety.


Old Business:

            Retreat: One person backed out after signing up. Only three people have registered for the retreat. Two others have expressed interest but have not committed. Bohdan contacted the Rocky Mountain Synod and found out that their Assembly is at the end of the week of our retreat. Most of the phone numbers and addresses for Colorado members from our database were wrong. Bohdan looked up some of the phone numbers but did not have a lot of success when he contacted people. The contract with the retreat center can be cancelled up to the end of March. Those who have registered have made travel arrangements that may or may not be refundable. We will send an email to the people who have committed or indicated interest and let them know what the situation is. We need to make a decision on whether to hold it or not within a couple weeks.

New Business:

Contacting Synods: Given the on-going challenges of maintaining the database, a suggestion was made to sending our e-news to all the synods and ask them to send it out to their membership. Bohdan thinks we’d have to call the people who are responsible for the e-news in each Synod and let them know we’d like something included in their news, rather than sending an email which might not be read. Some Synods have rules about what they will and will not forward.  In the past we’ve asked board members to take on a project. If each person took on calling ten synods it would be doable. Mary offered to test it in her synod. Bohdan will send her the email he prepared for Rocky Mountain and see how it goes. We will discuss this next month.


Day and time for the board meeting: Would there be a time and day of the week that would work better for more people? We will put on the agenda for next month.


Next meeting: April 6, 2016 2:00 pm MDT/2 pm CDT/1:00 pm PDT/3:00 pm EDT 12:00 pm